Sonke and Anna Petersen family, about 1900

Stevens Family

The Stevens family line is quite diverse with German/Jewish, Scots-Irish, and English roots. This family includes Stevens, Brown, Wilson, McGee, Lehman, Pessels, Dalmbert and Hart families and their descendants. But the Stevens family origins are wrapped up in the mystery of William Stevens. What we know is that he was in Ohio in 1832 and later moved to Indiana where his family remained for four generations. Stevens Picture Album

Petersen Family

The Petersen family is pure Danish but much more mixed ancestry on the Roberts side. This family includes Petersen and Christiansen (Danish), Roberts (Irish) and Francis (mostly English like the Daniels and Keep families but also the Dutch Mills family). Petersen Picture Album

McKay Family

The McKay family has always thought of themselves as Scottish but in truth have more English and German heritage. This family includes McKay and Deary (both with a mix of Scots and English ancestors), Scramlin (mostly German) and the (mostly English) Ford, Howard and Sackett families. McKay Picture Album

Freeman Family

The Freeman family is the branch with the strongest Southern connection. The Freeman family and the Barron/Barnes family have English roots. The Ratliff family is also English. The Scots-Irish Jordan family married into the German Schmidlapps. Freeman Picture Album

Digging Deeper

feature 1How to use the database
This page describes how to navigate the information on this site

feature 2Finding Distant Stevens (Famous) Relatives
The relatives on this page are not direct ancestors but are more distant relatives (i.e., directly related to our direct ancestors but not directly related to us)

feature 3Stevens Notable Ancestors
Here are some direct Stevens ancestors with interesting stories

feature 4McKay Notable Ancestors
Here are some direct McKay ancestors with interesting stories

feature 5Old World Ancestors
These ancestors go back to European roots

feature 6Stevens Family History: Religion, Military
The stories on this page relate to certain themes among Stevens ancestors including: military, religion, economics, politics, slavery, and witches

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